Lewis Capaldi Cut Our Hair then Ghosted us

Great Escape Festival 2019. We drove down from Birmingham to Brighton in the midst of a UK tour to play Great Escape. We were hungover, tired and stinky.

We parked the van outside the venue and we were given our wristbands. Each of us had a little black Spotify wrist band to get us into the ‘Spotify Artists Lounge’. We hadn’t heard about it before but it sounded important so off we went.

When we arrived we were pleasantly surprised to be met with free food, free alcohol, free massages, free socks, portable phone chargers and flasks... And even a free hair cut, should any of us want it. After several Rum Punches we made a collective decision that Tom needed a haircut.

As Tom sat in the chair making the usual hair cut small talk, one real life fucking Lewis Capaldi walks past the door. Before processing it, or considering that he might want to be left alone, we had already asked him for a picture.

You know when you meet a nice celebrity who is accommodating and gives you the time of day? He took it a step further by coming into the room, picking up the hairdressers scissors and began to cut tom’s hair. Tom couldn’t hide the panic in his face.

Capaldi bottled it once he began and he realised he didn’t have a clue what he was doing. He quickly put the scissors down. we spent a few minutes talking to him. He promised to come to our show that night - he didn’t come and we haven’t spoken to him since. The end. We don’t care anyway. Honestly

Michael McDecent
